The Comedy Card Company launches its own range of cards to sell alongside the established ranges of cards from the country's top publishers.
With a lot of enthusiasm, an off-the-wall sense of humour and some truly dodgy drawing skills we were keen to have a crack at the card publishing malarkey. Surrounded by a vast quantity of humorous cards for many years, with a wide variety of humour styles, we have long been inspired to create some of our own designs. We had created and trialled a few Christmas cards last year to test the water. Some of these sold quite well so we have now finally got around to producing some 'everyday' cards. Over the years, we have collected a box full of scraps of paper, each containing a scribbled joke or cartoon idea. When we look back through the box, as it's been so long since we scribbled those notes, we are looking at those scraps of paper with fresh eyes. Some of them causes us to wonder 'what on earth?!' but a few make us laugh so these are the ones that we consider are worth a shot.
The cards are all printed in the UK on FSC certified board. We supply the cards/envelopes without any cellophane wrapping so we are proud to be plastic free. Being online, cellophane wrapping is totally unnecessary as they are safely stored away from grubby fingers! More and more of our publishers are supplying their cards without cellophane wrapping, sometimes with a sticker keeping the card and envelope together. Where there is an option with a card publisher, we always ask to be supplied 'unwrapped'.
We have lots of cards to come in the future but here are a few from our initial designs.
A real of-the-minute cartoon this one. As the hairdressers finally reopened, how many of us had a bush of wild hair ready to be shorn? I certainly had, having just stopped short of covering up the mirrors in the house to save me the fright of seeing myself!
(This is factually correct.)
Ah yes, your dog will always spoil a nice walk with a big fat poo!
Isn't the body an amazing thing . . . it gets better at multi-tasking the older you get.
Another cartoon about life during lockdown. The overflowing glass recycling bin tells us everything we need to know.
A cheeky birthday card.
The real reason why the recipient is loved more today than yesterday. Not so romantic after all.
2020 has not exactly been a fun year has it? With all those cancelled plans and the worry about health and work it's not exactly a year to party. As Prince said, maybe it's better to party like it's 1999.
These are just a selection of Comedy Card Company's own range. There are many more on their way. You can see the full range here - Comedy Card Company Card Range
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