This year's funny Christmas cards from UK Greetings - Comedy Card Company

This year's funny Christmas cards from UK Greetings

Sep 11, 2018alan auld

We are delighted to present this year's new releases of funny Christmas cards from one of the country's largest publishers, UK Greetings

We all hate to see the summer end but at the Comedy Card Company, the start of autumn also heralds the arrival of this year's humorous Christmas cards. They come in a steady stream from September onwards. With the really big publishing companies like UK Greetings, you have to place your order for Xmas cards in early spring so that by the time they arrive, you can't always remember what you ordered! We have recently unpacked our UK Greetings order and here we present some of our favourites from this year's collection of funny Christmas cards.

UK Greetings publish the very popular Traces of Nuts range which features consistently great humour from cartoonist Tim Whyatt. This card is one of our favourites of all the new designs. The cartoon shows Santa meeting children in his grotto wearing a bright pink beard. His elves reveal all - he washed his beard along with his red suit in the same washing machine cycle!

Waving at Trains is one of our favourite ranges, featuring funny captions to old photographs. This design is a Christmas version of their popular birthday card. It shows a couple out on a Boxing Day walk. After just two minutes of walking, the man is relieved to have spotted a pub in the distance.

Another great card by Waving at Trains is this one showing a photograph of men rolling large barrels of beer / wine along a street, the caption suggesting that this is the recipient's Christmas booze delivery! Makes a great card for a couple known to enjoy a tipple.

Waving at Trains have also produced some superb cards for relatives this year. Here is a great card for a father. As Dad opens his present - another tie(!) - he marvels at his family's creativity when it comes to choosing presents for him.

We love this 'Brother' card too. He might well appear with an armful of presents but he still won't be mum's favourite. I feel some sibling rivalry at play here!

Speaking of mum, this card gives a mum her own little Xmas carol, changing the second line of 'Hark the Herald Angels sing' to 'Mum is drinking all the gin'! Great card for a mother who enjoys a gin and tonic.

Another new card that we think will be popular is this one with a cartoon showing santa with his own version of a 'selfie stick'. He has a stick with an elf tied to the end to take a photo with a camera. An 'Elfie stick' of course!

We also love these new cards from the Hanson White range also by UK Greetings. We like the design of this card showing a penguin getting into the festive spirit and drawing attention to his seasonal Xmas jumper.

There is also a great card for a wife in this range. It states that the husband hopes that she likes the presents that he has clearly been told to buy for her!

Featuring great word play from the Giggles range, this card shows 'Bar Humbug', a pub that is full of people moaning about 'bloody Christmas'; how much money it costs, the rubbish telly, the queues, the sprouts . . .  


UK Greetings is also the publisher of the classic New Yorker range. Featuring cartoons from the famous New Yorker magazine, a magazine noted for its fine sense of satirical humour. Here is a new one released for this year. It shows a child on Christmas day. Having opened all of his presents, he asks his parents when would be an acceptable time so start wanting more!

These are just some of the new Christmas cards from UK Greetings. We hope you have enjoyed looking at them. We have many more cards from lots of other publishers too, including lots that are still to arrive. This year will feature Comedy Card Company's largest ever Christmas card collection - something to look forward to!

View our range of Funny Christmas Cards

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